Monday, April 11, 2022

Item 10 has already been made available by a transfer order

Error message VL173 during delivery item deletion without WM


During item deletion of the delivery via Tcode VL02N, VL32N error message VL173 (Item X has already been made available by a transfer order) occurs however the delivery has blank WM status and it is not WM managed.

Reproducing the Issue

1. Tcode VL02N/VL32N

2. Select the item

3. Delete the item

4. Error VL173 occurs

Root Cause

The system not only checks the warehouse management status but also the picking status.

If the picking status is B or C and the warehouse management status is blank or C error VL173 will be issued by the system. No matter whether the delivery is WM managed or not.



1. Undo the picking in the delivery by bringing the picked quantity back to zero.

2. Delete the delivery afterwards.


1. If the above step1  does not work then:

        A. Open your delivery in change mode using VL02N

        B. De-assign the relevant HUs if necessary

        C. Use the following Menu Path "Edit" => "Copy Pack quantities as delivery quantities"

        D. Delete the delivery

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Third Party Sales Order Processing in SAP SD

                 In Business some Materials may be procured from External Vendors or some Materials may be purchased from External Vendors as a Traded Products.

              Example: Harshini Industries (Company) accepts the sales order of Vasanthi Pte Ltd (customer) and asked  Suma Industries (third party/Vendor) to deliver the goods and bills Harshini Industries (Company). Subsequently Harshini Industries raise the invoice to the Vasanthi Pte Ltd (customer).
              To Procured or Purchased from External Vendors business has to raise “Purchase Requisition”. With reference to Purchase Requisition Business has to raise “Purchase Order”. Once the Purchase Order sent to the vendor, vendor raises “Sales Order” and initiate outbound delivery. With reference to this Inbound Delivery business has to post “Goods Receipt”. With reference to Goods Receipt business has to verify “Invoice”. With reference to Invoice business makes “Vendor Payment”.

Third Party Sales: In third party sales vendor directly delivers the goods to the customer and Invoice to be raised with reference to this outbound delivery in favor of Business.

Individual Purchase Order: In Individual Purchase Order vendor delivers the goods to the business and business in turn delivers the goods to the customer.

Configuration Settings for Third Party Sales Order:

Create Material Master with material type to be selected as Trading goods and Item category group is BANS in sales: Sales org 2 tab and Procurement type to marked as F in MRP 2 Tab.

Maintain Item Categories in VOV7 of TAS
Billing relevance: F – Order Related Billing Document – Status according to Invoice Qty.

                If Purchase Requisition raised for 1000 items, Purchase Order raised for 1000 items, but goods, delivery carried out for 750 items by the vendor. Then the Purchasing department confirms Invoice Qty then system carried out billing process for 750 items, billing document status updated according to Invoice Qty.

Billing relevance: B – Relevant for Order related billing status according to order Qty. When the business wants to raise an invoice based on Purchase Order Qty billing relevance should be “B” 
Pricing – X

VOV6 of CS
CS: This is a standard schedule line category is provided by SAP for Third Party Sales.
CS triggers purchase requisition automatically in the background when saves the sales order.
Movement Type – NIL
Order Type: NB – Due to Assignment of Order type NB system automatically triggers creation of  purchase Requisition for the line item in the Sales Order.
Item Category: 5 – Third Party
Account Assignment: 1 – Third Party
Uncheck Item Relevant for Delivery
Uncheck Purchase Requisition delivery
Uncheck Transfer of Requirement (TOR)
Uncheck Availability Check (ATP)

Go to XK01 and Created Vendor Number.
Vendor Number - External
Company Code – 1000
Purchase Organization – 1000

Account Group – 1000
Create Customer Master
Go to VA01 and raise the Sales Order.
Item Category BANS
Schedule Line Category – CS
Save it.

Go to VA02 check Schedule Lines and note down Purchase Requisition Number created by the system.

Go to ME21N and raise standard Purchase Order (NB) with reference to this Purchase Requisition, then system copy the data from Purchase Requisition.
Go to MIGO – Goods Receipts
Specify Purchase Order Number Check Item OK and click on Post Document.

Go to MIRO / Invoice Verification,
Specify the Purchase Order Number in P O Reference Tab and Specify Invoice Date,
Invoice Amount under Basic Data Tab.
Press Enter and check the balance. The Balance should be ZERO.

Go to VF01 and raise Invoices with reference to the Sales Order.

Save it and check the document flow.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

SD Organizational Structure Assignment

Organizational Units defined in Sales and Distribution Module need to be logically assigned to one another to form a proper hierarchy. 

 Rules for Assignment:

Ø  One or more Sales Organizations can be assigned to a Company Code but each Sales Organization belongs to one & only one company code.
Ø  One or more Plant can be assigned to a Company Code but each Plant belongs to one & only one company code.
Ø  One or more combination of Sales Organization and Distributional Channel can be assigned to a Plant.
Ø  If the Plant and Sales Organization belong to different company codes, then the Sale's transaction is categorized as Inter-company
Ø  One or more Shipping Points can be assigned to a Plant. Similarly, one or more Plants can be assigned to a Shipping Point.

Organizational Structure in Sales and Distribution

Organizational Structures in Sales

                  A variety of organizational units are available for modeling sales business transactions. In the sales area, the following organizational structures can be defined and used to model and structure the sales
Sales organization
Distribution channel
Sales area
Sales office
Sales group
Shipping point
Transportation planning point.

Company Code is a smallest organizational unit of external accounting, which forms the top of the sales and distribution chain

Sales Organization is responsible for the sale and distribution of goods and services which represents the selling unit as a legal entity and is responsible for product guarantees and other rights to recourse. It is highest in the sales and distribution chain

Distributional Channel represents the channel through which sellable materials or services reach customers

Division is a collection of Product groups. A material belongs to exactly one division only.

Sales Area is the set-up that combines Sales organization , distribution channel and division

Sales Office is the geographical aspects of the organization of business development and sales

Sales Group is the staff of a Sales office